
About me pic with Waffle

Hi everyone!

I am really excited to have you here! My name is Barbara, and I’m 32, from Jersey City, New Jersey.

As a child, I was always fascinated with animals – especially our family’s golden doodle dog Waffle.

Waffle was my pride and joy, and I spent many hours brushing his soft fur, playing fetch with him in the backyard, and of course, cuddling up for some well-deserved naps after a long day of fun. I can still remember the smell of his soft fur and the warmth of his cuddles.

This lifelong love affair sparked my passion for all things related to golden doodles, so when I started this blog about everything from breeders to caring tips, it felt like a dream come true!

I’m here to provide helpful advice on what brings out the best in your pup – from healthy diets to grooming tips.

Mini Golden doodles are an incredibly loyal and intelligent breed that brings so much joy to their families. This breed makes great companions and I’m here to share my experience to bring out the best in your furry friend.

So welcome – let’s start exploring the wonderful world of mini golden doodles!

Thank you for joining me and my pup on this journey.

I look forward to getting to know you better!


Barb 🙂