Helping Your Mini Goldendoodle Adjust to a New Home

Helping Your Mini Goldendoodle Adjust to a New Home

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Barbara Taylor

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As a dog owner, I know firsthand how stressful moving can be for our four-legged friends. Mini Goldendoodles especially thrive on predictability and routine. A disruption this big can be disorienting!

The good news is there are many steps you can take to reduce anxiety, set them up for success, and help your mini goldendoodle feel comfortable, secure, and right at home in your new place quickly.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll share all my tips and tricks to make moving with your mini goldendoodle as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Top Tips to Help Your Mini Goldendoodle Adjust

  • Preparing their new space with familiar scents, beds, toys
  • Sticking to their normal feeding, playtime, and walk schedule initially
  • Positively exploring together frequently and rewarding calmness
  • Re-training important commands and house manners they may forget
  • Maintaining consistency with a schedule in the early weeks
  • Providing private “alone time” in a safe, cozy space when overwhelmed
  • Having infinite patience with any minor setbacks while celebrating successes
  • Monitoring appetite and energy level changes carefully
  • Scheduling quality one-on-one playtime and bonding together

Follow these guidelines diligently, and you’ll set your dog up to settle into your new home with less chaos and uncertainty. Now let’s cover each recommendation in more detail so you can get started!

A golden doodle dog adjusting to a new home.
A golden doodle dog adjusting to a new home.

Prepare Their New Home in Advance

A few days before moving day, place your dog’s bed, food/water bowls, favorite toys, and other belongings in your new house in spaces mimicking their location in your current home.

Put their unwashed blanket or your gently used t-shirts that smell like you on their bed to provide familiar comfort. I also love using Adaptil or Feliway pheromone diffusers in advance if your dog struggles with separation anxiety or reactivity to change. According to The American Kennel Club, Maintaining consistency in smells and layout will make the new house feel less foreign.

When packing up the old house, set aside a “moving day bag” with a few of your dog’s special toys and yummy treats to serve as distractions during the stressful transition. If you can swing it schedule-wise, transport your dog in the car at their typical time to minimize disrupting their time cues.

Explore Together and Reward Calm Curiosity

Once moved into the new home, take your leashed dog from room to room together frequently, praising and treating any calm, confident investigating and sniffing. I use a high-pitched happy voice and give scratches and pets too.

Don’t force shy pups to overdo initial exploring. Let them set the investigative pace. Provide encouragement but don’t overwhelm them.

Place your dog’s bed, food/water bowls, toys, and any large furniture like couches in the exact same spots they occupied in your old home layout. This creates instant familiarity.

Spend supervised time chatting, playing, and relaxing with your dog in each area so they become accustomed to the new sights, sounds, and smells. New environments can seem intimidating, so provide continuous reassurance.

Refresh Rules and Training

Expect some backsliding in-house training, obedience, and manners. Gently but firmly re-establish previously mastered habits like waiting politely before rushing doors or keeping all four paws on the floor (not on furniture!).

Rebuild their mental focus with 5-minute training refreshers on basic cues like sit, stay, down, come, look at me. Use high-value treats to keep sessions positive yet challenging. If possible, maintain similar walking routes and schedules initially for stability. Too much simultaneous change can be destabilizing.

Stick to Their Old Schedule as Much as Possible

Try your very best to maintain your dog’s previous schedule for feeding times, potty breaks, exercise, play sessions, and bedtime. Your dog finds comfort in the familiarity of their routine amid so much disruptive change.

Of course, some schedule deviation is inevitable when moving. However, limiting changes prevents displacement and confusion. Once your dog appears happily settled in the new home after a few adjustment weeks, feel free to gradually shift the schedule around.

Provide Private “Alone Time” Breaks

Be sure to give your dog periodic breaks from the stimulation of moving chaos. Provide special chews or puzzles with treats in their crate or another confined safe space for alone time. This prevents overstimulation.

Even 20-30 minutes to settle and decompress does wonders. Also, prioritize short solo walks for one-on-one bonding and exercise. Dogs can feel lost in the shuffle amidst moving. Dedicate quality private time to reassure them.

Monitor Eating Habits and Energy Closely

Moving can negatively impact dogs’ appetites and energy levels from all the stress and chaos. Note any decrease in food motivation, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation lasting more than 24-48 hours.

Also watch for sleeping more than usual, showing no enthusiasm on walks, caring little for toys or playtime. These are red flags that something is off. If appetite or energy changes persist beyond 2-3 days, consult your vet. Some diet additions or anti-anxiety medications can help manage move-related issues.

Make sure your dog stays properly hydrated with frequent water refills too. Dehydration can happen easily with all the activity and panting.

Patience Is Key with Any Backsliding

Accidents, forgotten house manners, and training regression are common as dogs adjust after moves. According to Dailypaws, it is recommended to Respond gently but firmly to reinforce previously mastered habits and skills. Confine or leash your dog for a refresher if needed.

Never punish accidents, as this can instill fear and anxiety. Simply clean thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner and keep a closer watch so you can whisk them outside quickly next time. This stressful time will pass!

Pay Close Attention to Body Language

Your dog’s signals and demeanor provide crucial insight into their state of mind. Subtle anxiety, fear, or depression signs are easily overlooked when you’re busy and distracted. Note any increased pacing, unusual vocalizing, appetite changes, sleep changes, withdrawing from affection or play, or new reactivity or aggression.

If you observe any of these red flags, your dog may need extra help adjusting. Consult your veterinarian, and consider contacting a certified dog behaviorist if behavioral issues emerge. Don’t let problems spiral – early intervention is best.

Prioritize Quality Bonding Time

Make sure you dedicate true, uninterrupted one-on-one time with your dog – play breaks, tasty treats, gentle massages, and relaxing brushing sessions. This critical affection time reassures them they still have your full attention during chaotic change.

Have fun with games like fetch or tug and introduce new toys to maintain their sense of routine. Verbally praise and reassure them often. Moving is incredibly disruptive for dogs – be their stable comfort.

Set Them Up for Success

You can take many proactive steps to reduce anxiety and prevent issues as your dog transitions:

  • Puppy-proof rooms so they can explore safely when alone at first
  • Maintain previous walk schedule and routes for consistency
  • Use baby gates to slowly expand access to new areas
  • Create a comfy “den” with their bed, toys, and your worn t-shirt
  • Ask your vet about prescription anti-anxiety or calming medications
  • Consider hiring a dog walker temporarily if your schedule becomes busier
  • Celebrate small victories and landmarks – patience is key!

New Chapter Means New Opportunities

While moving requires an adjustment phase, soon your dog will be eagerly exploring your new neighborhood and yard, meeting friendly new dogs on walks, discovering their favorite local park, pet stores, and walking trails.

This transition can provide great mental stimulation through all the new sights, sounds, and smells. But take introductions slowly and focus on progress over perfection. Shower them with praise for every new milestone!

If you proactively invest the time upfront to ensure your pup feels comfortable, safe, and secure, your diligence will pay off with a smooth adjustment. You’ve got this!

Barbara Taylor
A true dog-lover (like most of us...), and the proud owner of Angie. Angie is my mini Goldendoodle! I love Angie so much. She is one of the sweetest, most lovable dogs ever! I am so happy that she is part of my life! I first met her when she was 5 months old. She was a tiny little thing! Cute as a button! I fell in love with her.
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