What You Need to Know About Mini Goldendoodles Sleep

What You Need to Know About Mini Goldendoodles Sleep

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Barbara Taylor

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Are you surprised at how much your Goldendoodle puppy sleeps? I know I was when my furry friend seemed to doze off on every occasion possible.

That’s why I’ve dedicated time and effort to understanding the sleeping patterns and habits of these adorable creatures – did you know, for example, a Goldendoodle puppy can sleep up to 18 hours a day?

This article will provide you with insights into what influences their sleep, how much is needed, and tips for creating healthy sleep schedules.

Key Takeaways

  • Goldendoodle puppies can sleep up to 18 – 20 hours a day, while adult Goldendoodles sleep for about 14 hours on average.
  • Factors that influence Goldendoodle sleep patterns include age, diet, physical health, mental and emotional health, and the environment they are in.
  • Creating a consistent bedtime routine with calming activities can promote healthy sleep habits in Goldendoodles.
  • Providing regular exercise and mental stimulation is important for maintaining good sleep patterns in Goldendoodles.

Factors That Determine Goldendoodle Sleep Patterns

Age, diet, physical health, mental and emotional health, and the environment are all factors that can influence a Goldendoodle’s sleep patterns.


Goldendoodles, like any other breed, experience changes in their sleep patterns as they age. A study published in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior confirms that these charming dogs tend to sleep more hours with advancing age.

It’s not uncommon for a young Goldendoodle puppy to snooze for up to 18-20 hours a day since they invest much energy in growth and play. As adult Goldendoodles mature, their periods of intense activity lessen and their napping times extend.

Around four to six months is an ideal time to start formal training commands like “sit” and “stay”. At this point, your furry friend will probably be tired after playing and resting a lot.

Unlike many other breeds, Goldendoodles generally have a decent lifespan; therefore you can expect the sleeping pattern changes over time as your lovable pet grows older.


Goldendoodles have a unique way of processing food due to their hybrid nature. The type of diet given plays a major role in determining how much sleep they get and the quality of that sleep.

Just like humans, what a goldendoodle eats can affect their energy levels and mood. Balanced nutrition is essential for maintaining good health which includes appropriate rest.

Certain foods may cause digestive upsets leading to restless nights or excessive sleeping in your goldendoodle. Providing them with high-quality dog food not only meets their nutritional needs but ensures better digestion and healthier sleep patterns.

While treats are allowed, remember too many can lead to weight gain which also impacts sleep quality negatively. So it’s vital as a goldendoodle owner to watch out for any abrupt changes in your pet’s sleeping habits after introducing new foods into his diet.

Physical Health

Physical health significantly impacts the sleep patterns and habits of Goldendoodles. Proper diet and regular exercise keep a Goldendoodle in good physical condition, thus promoting healthy sleep.

Active adult Goldendoodles typically require less sleep than sedentary ones because they burn more energy throughout the day.

Certain age-related issues such as arthritis or hip dysplasia may lead to increased sleep in senior goldendoodles as indicated in important facts. A lethargic Goldendoodle, characterized by excessive sleep and decreased energy levels, could be dealing with underlying health problems regardless of their age.

Regular check-ups can prevent or manage such concerns early on ensuring your dog gets enough quality restorative sleep it needs to thrive.

Mental and Emotional Health

A Goldendoodle’s mental and emotional health plays a significant role in their sleep patterns. Just like humans, stress, anxiety, boredom, and even diet can affect a Goldendoodle’s ability to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

If they are feeling anxious or bored, it may be difficult for them to relax and get the rest they need. Additionally, factors such as depression or old age can also contribute to changes in their sleep patterns.

Goldendoodle owners need to pay attention to their pet’s mental and emotional well-being in order to promote healthy sleep habits.

The Environment

The environment plays a significant role in the sleep patterns and habits of Goldendoodles. Factors such as temperature, noise level, and comfort can all impact how well a Goldendoodle sleeps.

For example, if it is too hot or cold in their sleeping area, they may have difficulty getting comfortable and staying asleep. Similarly, if there are loud noises or distractions nearby, it could disrupt their sleep.

Creating a calm and peaceful sleeping environment for your Goldendoodle can help promote better sleep quality and ensure they get the rest they need to thrive.

How Much Sleep Do Goldendoodles Need?

Goldendoodles have different sleep patterns depending on their age, diet, physical and mental health, and the environment they are in.

Sleep Patterns of Adult Goldendoodles

Adult Goldendoodles have specific sleep patterns that are influenced by various factors such as their age, physical health, mental and emotional well-being, diet, and the environment they live in.

On average, adult Goldendoodles sleep for about 14 hours per day. However, this can vary depending on the individual dog and their specific needs. As they get older, they may require more sleep than when they were younger.

Getting enough rest is crucial for adult Goldendoodles to maintain their overall health and energy levels throughout the day.

Sleep Patterns of Goldendoodle Puppies

Goldendoodle puppies have unique sleep patterns that are essential for their growth and development. These adorable pups need plenty of rest, sleeping anywhere from eighteen to twenty hours a day.

In fact, some goldendoodle puppies may even sleep longer than twenty hours, especially when they are still in the early stages of their development. During their sleep time, Goldendoodles have both deep sleep periods (also known as REM sleep) and short light naps throughout the day.

As younger puppies tend to have surplus energy, they often engage in intense play sessions followed by longer naps. This is completely normal behavior for these energetic little pups, and it helps them recharge before another round of playtime!

Promoting Healthy Sleep Habits for Goldendoodles

To promote healthy sleep habits for Goldendoodles, establish a consistent bedtime routine and create a comfortable sleeping environment. Provide regular exercise to help them expend energy and mental stimulation to keep their minds engaged.

Establishing a Bedtime Routine

I believe that establishing a bedtime routine is essential for promoting healthy sleep habits in your Goldendoodle. Here are some steps you can take to create a structured routine:

  1. Set a consistent bedtime: Create a regular schedule by choosing a specific time for your Goldendoodle to go to bed every night.
  2. Wind down before bed: Engage in calming activities with your Goldendoodle, such as gentle play or relaxing walks, to signal that it’s time for sleep.
  3. Create a cozy sleeping area: Designate a comfortable and quiet space where your Goldendoodle can sleep undisturbed. Consider using a soft bed or crate with blankets for added comfort.
  4. Dim the lights: Lower the brightness of the room or use soft lighting in the evening to help your Goldendoodle relax and prepare for sleep.
  5. Limit food and water intake: Avoid feeding your Goldendoodle right before bedtime to prevent discomfort or the need to go outside during the night.
  6. Provide bathroom breaks: Take your Goldendoodle outside for one last bathroom break shortly before bedtime to promote uninterrupted sleep.

Creating a Comfortable Sleeping Environment

To ensure that your Goldendoodle gets a good night’s sleep, it is important to create a comfortable sleeping environment. Here are some tips:

  1. Provide a cozy bed or crate where your Goldendoodle can rest undisturbed.
  2. Make sure the sleeping area is quiet and free from distractions.
  3. Use soft bedding materials that provide support and comfort.
  4. Keep the temperature in the sleeping area at a comfortable level.
  5. Ensure proper ventilation to promote fresh air flow.
  6. Use dim lighting or blackout curtains to create a dark and calming atmosphere.
  7. Remove any sharp objects or potential hazards from the sleeping area.
  8. Consider using calming scents or soothing music to help your Goldendoodle relax.

Providing Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is essential for Goldendoodles to maintain healthy sleep habits. Exercise helps meet their energy needs and contributes to a good night’s sleep. Here are some ways to provide regular exercise for your Goldendoodle:

  1. Take them for daily walks to ensure they get enough physical activity.
  2. Engage in active play sessions, such as fetch or tug-of-war, to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.
  3. Consider taking them on hikes or runs to give them a more intense workout.
  4. Swimming is another great exercise option for Goldendoodles, especially during the summer months.

Mental Stimulation

Goldendoodles are intelligent and active dogs that require mental stimulation to promote healthy sleep habits. Just like humans, their mental and emotional health can affect their sleep patterns.

Providing mental stimulation through toys and activities can help prevent boredom and keep them mentally engaged. Toys that offer challenges or require problem-solving skills are especially beneficial for Goldendoodles.

Engaging in interactive playtime with your Goldendoodle can also stimulate their mind while providing physical exercise. By keeping them mentally stimulated, you can reduce the chances of episodes of excitement or restlessness, which may interfere with their sleep schedule.

Common Sleep Problems in Goldendoodles

Some common sleep problems in Goldendoodles include excessive sleep, restlessness and difficulty falling asleep, and sleep disorders. To learn more about how to address these issues and ensure your Goldendoodle gets a good night’s sleep, keep reading!

Excessive Sleep

Goldendoodles, like all dogs, need a significant amount of sleep to stay healthy and happy. While it’s normal for them to sleep for around 16-18 hours per day, excessive sleep may be a cause for concern.

If your Goldendoodle is sleeping more than usual or seems excessively tired, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue or a lack of mental stimulation. Factors such as stress, anxiety, boredom, and diet can contribute to excessive sleeping in Goldendoodles.

It’s important to monitor your dog’s sleep patterns and consult with a veterinarian if you notice any changes or concerns regarding their sleep habits.

Restlessness and Difficulty Falling Asleep

Goldendoodles, like humans, can experience restlessness and difficulty falling asleep. Common sleep problems in Goldendoodles may result from stress levels, cognitive dysfunction in older dogs, or underlying health issues.

Insomnia can occur in dogs who are sick, injured, or anxious, leading to trouble falling asleep. Additionally, restlessness at night in older dogs may be attributed to changes in their sleep-wake cycle.

It’s important for goldendoodle owners to understand these potential sleep challenges and work towards promoting healthy sleep habits for their furry friends.

Sleep Disorders

Goldendoodles, like humans, can also experience sleep disorders. These sleep disorders include narcolepsy, insomnia, sleep apnea, and REM behavior disorder. Sleep disorders can disrupt their normal sleep patterns and cause deep sleep deprivation.

This can result in moodiness or agitation in Goldendoodles. Signs of a sleep disorder may include lethargy with a longer duration of sleeping and decreased energy levels. It’s important to note that the occurrence of these sleep disorders may have a genetic or familial component in dogs, including Goldendoodles.

Proper attention to these issues is crucial as sleep disorders can impact the overall well-being and quality of life of Goldendoodles.

Where Should Goldendoodles Sleep?

Options for Sleeping Arrangements include providing a designated sleep area, such as a dog bed or crate, or allowing them to sleep with you; however, it is important to consider the pros and cons of each choice.

Options for Sleeping Arrangements

Goldendoodles, like other dogs, have a variety of sleeping arrangement options, each with its own unique set of benefits and drawbacks.

Indoor Dog BedProvides a comfortable sleeping environment that can be placed anywhere inside the house. This promotes better sleep quality and can help reduce stress and anxiety levels.Moving the bed around can disrupt the dog’s sleeping patterns. Also, the bed needs regular cleaning to maintain hygiene.
Outdoor Dog HouseIf well-insulated and comfortable, it can provide a quiet and peaceful sleeping place. Goldendoodles tend to sleep on their backs to breathe better during sleep, which can be easily done in a spacious outdoor dog house.Weather conditions might make it uncomfortable at times. Additional insulation may be needed in cold weather.
Owner’s BedSleeping with your Goldendoodle can help reduce your stress and anxiety levels and improve your sleep quality. It can also strengthen the bond between you and your dog.Some people might find it uncomfortable to share their bed with a dog. It might also lead to sleep disruptions if the dog moves around a lot during sleep.
Dog-CrateCrates can provide a sense of security for dogs, making them a safe place for sleeping. They are also helpful for house-training puppies, who might sleep up to 20 hours per day.If the crate is not large enough, the dog might find it uncomfortable. It’s also essential to ensure the crate is never used as a form of punishment, as this can create negative associations.

Pros and Cons of Allowing Goldendoodles to Sleep with You

Before diving into the pros and cons of letting your Goldendoodle sleep with you, it’s important to remember that this decision should be based on your individual circumstances and your pet’s behavior. Let’s examine these pros and cons more closely.


As a pack animal, your Goldendoodle might see you as a member of its pack. Sleeping together can help strengthen this bond.

If your Goldendoodle doesn’t respect your space and disturbs your sleep, it might not be a good idea to share your bed with them.

Letting your Goldendoodle sleep with you can help lower your stress and anxiety levels. It can also improve your sleep quality.

Although it’s rare, there could be a chance of transmitting zoonotic diseases if your Goldendoodle sleeps with you.

Having your Goldendoodle close by during the night time can increase the oxytocin flow to your brain, helping you fall into REM sleep faster.

Your Goldendoodle might develop a dependency on sleeping with you, which could make it difficult for them to sleep alone if necessary.

Allowing your Goldendoodle to sleep with you can help lower your blood pressure.

Allowing your Goldendoodle to sleep with you could make them overly protective, which might lead to behavioral issues.

In the end, the decision is yours. Weigh the pros and cons carefully and make the choice that is best for both you and your furry friend.

Can Goldendoodles Sleep Outside?

Goldendoodles can technically sleep outside, but it is not recommended. Goldendoodles have a thick, curly coat that makes them more prone to temperature extremes. They are also social dogs that thrive on human interaction and companionship.

Therefore, they prefer to sleep indoors with their owners rather than being left alone outside. Additionally, sleeping indoors provides them with a safe and comfortable environment where they can rest undisturbed.


Understanding the sleep patterns and habits of Goldendoodles is essential for every Goldendoodle owner. By considering factors such as age, diet, physical and mental health, and their environment, we can promote healthy sleep habits for these adorable dogs.

From establishing a bedtime routine to creating a comfortable sleeping environment, addressing common sleep problems, and deciding on the best sleeping arrangements; understanding how much sleep Goldendoodles need will ensure they get the rest they require to thrive.


1. How much do Goldendoodles sleep?

Goldendoodles typically sleep for an average of 12-14 hours a day.

2. Are Goldendoodles good at sleeping through the night?

Yes, most Goldendoodles are good at sleeping through the night once they are properly trained and have established a routine.

3. Do Goldendoodles have any specific sleep preferences?

Goldendoodles generally enjoy sleeping in cozy spaces like their own bed or crate, but they can adapt to different sleeping arrangements as long as they feel safe and comfortable.

4. What can I do to help my Goldendoodle develop healthy sleep habits?

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine and providing them with a quiet and comfortable sleep environment can help your Goldendoodle develop healthy sleep habits. Regular exercise during the day will also contribute to better quality sleep.

Barbara Taylor
A true dog-lover (like most of us...), and the proud owner of Angie. Angie is my mini Goldendoodle! I love Angie so much. She is one of the sweetest, most lovable dogs ever! I am so happy that she is part of my life! I first met her when she was 5 months old. She was a tiny little thing! Cute as a button! I fell in love with her.
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