Definition of Mini Goldendoodle
Mini Goldendoodles are a hybrid breed between a Golden Retriever and Poodle. They are small breeds that weigh on average 15-35 pounds, with some growing larger than 40lbs as adults. Mini Goldendoodles have the intelligence of poodles and the friendly, outgoing temperament of Golden Retrievers.
Overview of Generations
When discussing mini Goldendoodles, there are several generations exist. F1, F1B, F1BB, F2, F2B, F2BB, F3, and Multigen Goldendoodle, are the most known generations.
Mini Goldendoodles come in a variety of generations ranging from the first generation (F1) through the fourth generation (F4), as well as multigen.
What are the Letters?
The letters in the generation label refer to what percentage of Poodle and Golden Retriever is in the current generation. For example, F1 means that 50% of the genes come from a Golden Retriever and 50% from a Poodle. F2b means that 75% of the genes come from a Golden Retriever and 25% from a Poodle, etc.
What are the Numbers?
The numbers indicate how many generations were removed from the original parent breeds; for example, an F1 Goldendoodle has one set of parents who were both pure-bred dogs (one Golden Retriever and one Poodle). An F2 Goldendoodle is two generations removed from the original parent breeds, with one set of grandparents being pure-bred dogs.

Selecting the Right Mini Goldendoodle for You
A. Considerations for Potential Owners
When selecting a mini Goldendoodle, potential owners should consider their lifestyle and what traits they are looking for in their doodle. For example, if you have an active lifestyle, a higher-energy mini Goldendoodle may be more suitable than one that is lower energy. Additionally, people with allergies may want to go for an F1b or multigen Goldendoodle as these coats tend to be less allergenic due to the higher percentage of Poodle genetics.
B. Pros and Cons of Different Generations
F1 Goldendoodles tend to have longer coats and require more maintenance, while F2b and multigen Goldendoodles typically have shorter yet curlier coats, which are easier to maintain. Additionally, F1s may be slightly larger than the other generations. However, all mini Goldendoodle generations can make wonderful pets for families looking for a low-shedding companion dog.
C. Questions to Ask Breeder Before Purchasing
It is important to ask questions of your breeder before purchasing a mini Goldendoodle puppy. Be sure to ask about the parent breeds (are they both purebred dogs?) and what generation the puppies are (F1, F2b, etc.). Additionally, inquire about the size of the puppies when fully grown and how often they will need to be groomed. Lastly, make sure you ask for any medical records or health clearances for both parents.

Wrapping it up
Mini Goldendoodles come in a variety of generations from F1 through F4 as well as multigen Goldendoodles. The number indicates how many generations were removed from their original parent breeds and the letter indicates whether a Poodle was added to the breeding program in that generation.
The letters in the generation label refer to what percentage of Poodle and Golden Retriever is in the current generation, while the numbers indicate how many generations were removed from the original parent breeds.
Ultimately, all mini Goldendoodles make wonderful pets for families looking for a low-shedding companion dog, so whatever you decide there is sure to be a perfect pup out there just waiting for you!